Surprise MRI Scan

Friday turned out to be a very busy day.  I got showered reasonably early, well after I did the blog then Gary took the dogs, while he was out a delivery arrived with a present for him for Christmas.  As one door closed another opened as the Heather arrived, our District Nurse, to change the dressing and watch me go solo.  I couldn't do the dressing and the wound looks yak!  I handed over my meagre water sample, I could only just meet the requirement and that was my morning flow!
Gary came in part way through the draining so he helped plunge the drain and we were off, another litre gushed out but I capped again.  When Heather left Gary wanted me in the kitchen and together we started to prepared Carrot and potato soup.  It smelt divine but would be an hour before we could eat it so I had a protein drink.  The phone rang to say I was going for a scan, I queried this as I didn't know one had been booked but yes it was my details and I was there that evening.
The door bell went, I was expecting Hilary from my school days but no it was my GP, he had come to say he had booked me a scan on my spine to ensure nothing was pressing on the nerves making me not pee.  He stayed for a cuppa and we talked about plans for the future and what we were waiting for, then we talked about cooking, he has promised me a nice Indian Curry recipe that he cooks, can't wait.  He discussed eating and told me I need to be eating as much fat and protein as possible, I told him food didn't hold much of an appeal so he said eat lots of puddings etc as well.  Ok, will try that, I love treacle sponge!
We had a sneak taste of the soup, delicious, then the door bell again, Hilary had managed to find the house.  I was shocked, she hadn't changed since the last time I saw her at my nephews 6th birthday.  Why do some of us age and others don't.  She looked nearly the same as school too, I must ask next time how she has managed to stay so youthful.  We sat for a couple of hours, in fact I have no idea where the time went, and chatted as if it was yesterday.  Although Hilary spoilt me and the dogs.  She brought over a beautiful top that will float over my stomach and hide my drain - how does she know I hate shopping I wonder?  Along with some creams to help my skin with the stretching from the fluid.  The dogs got spoilt too, and boy could they smell them, poor Hilary didn't stand a chance with either of them sitting on top of her and pawing her waiting for the meaty strips to be given.
It was then time to go through the works traffic and get to hospital for 4.45.  It was done at the BMI Woodlands, on the NHS!  John, the head of radiology was sitting in reception and gave me a warm greeting, guess I have been there too many times now!  He told me that Dr D sent his regards, which was nice to hear.
The MRI is a large machine which can cause claustrophobia, the first time I had one was 2003 when I was sure I had endometriosis on my lung - if only!  The girl gave me a heart attack when she said it would be 55 minutes inside, I thought it was a quick picture.  I tried to get as comfy as possible, the ear plugs didn't sit very well in my ears and didn't really block the noise.  I tried not to think about my surroundings but you can't nod off because you will move.  Trying to stay perfectly still and stay awake is difficult.  At one point I had moved so the picture needed doing again. 
I counted to myself, I counted the machine clicking several times and I thought about meso quite a lot.  Probably that is why no one who is ill likes to be alone in these things, we can't get away from our thoughts and we can't go to sleep because it's easy to move.  I am sure I tightened up more as my shoulder started to ache, even though my hands were by my side.
I was sure my drain was pulling forward as the waves of the machine washed over my body and I wondered whether the cancer mass would be broken down then put back together again.  Strange what you think inside the tomb isn't it.
To be honest I was shattered when I came out of it, we got home and I settled for - wait for it - fish finger sandwich.  Gary had fish and both of us felt sick from the grease.  We collapsed for the night in front of the TV.  Thankfully we tape plenty so we had two scandals to watch, an excellent drama about the White House.
So today we went totally solo and drained another litre before I showered, I think it made showering easy.  I noticed again the odd shape I am, I am losing upper body weight faster than I can eat.  I am popping into work this morning while no one is around but my brother Nev.  At least I can sort my mail out and try and get a head a little.
I just read that Ray is starting Chemo again, Amanda I wish you both well on this journey you once again have to undertake, to all of you under treatment it is hard going but the results have to be worth it.  To Steve in Oz, he has just had a drain and is off on a cruise, hope he and Gail have a great time.  Tess has had excellent news, Stable at last! 
I wish that magic tablet was here now today but I have waited for this long, I'm sure next year it will come and we will all be saved.

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