No Word

I know I expect miracles to happen and they never do but again I feel like things aren't moving.  I didn't go to work, once I showered I felt zapped.  I ached and I felt tired and just wanted to lie down and sleep.
Hubby set up a seat outside by the front door, as it was shaded from the breeze, then rang the doctors and made my blood work appointment.
I dosed off and on for an hour until he shook me and said I needed to go, so off I went to the doctors.  The young Health Assistant asked what I needed doing, I thought surely a note from Darlington would have been received by now.  So she pulled up my file, the last note was the 16th July, which was my GP organising me an xray.  I thought this new technology meant our records were up todate.
She disappeared off then came back with the Practice Nurse, I explained the ascites, the bloods needed E's & U's and Kidney function.  Considering she was just a young girl and recently started employment there she was gentle with the needle.
I came back and crashed again, sleeping more than keeping my eyes open.  I have decided my morphine level is too high, so last bedtime I dropped it back to 140 and will do the same when I take my tablets in a few minutes.  This is too ensure I don't keep dropping asleep, but it isn't helping with the pain, I woke up with a very painful tight chest.  I hate this cancer as it is so hard to get things right.
I am pleased to say that Dr Steele has contacted me and as another shock, remembers who I am.  That's a good start.  He needs to catch up with all his work and will ring next week.  So things are moving that I have control over.
Funny, I don't really want to go into work but once I am there I always get on with it.  I was never one to be work shy and preferred work to doing anything else.  Maybe it is because I am just so tired that I want to laze around all day.  It doesn't matter if my eye's shut reading a book, but it does if they close while entering information onto the computer!
Hubby has started a new project.  A shed we had made when we extended the drive wasn't that good, if you go inside you bang your head and its sagging terribly.  He has ordered a load of tongue and groove and 3 x 2, he intends adding 2' to the height and replacing the roof.  Yesterday he spent his time cutting the wood but the heavens opened.  Today the sky is grey and full of heavy clouds here so I guess he won't be getting much done.
Normally a Thursday was my aromatherapy day, my legs were always done and this helped keep my veins down.  Over the years my red thread veins had started to disappear but they have quickly come back.  I know my therapist is just about fit enough to start again so maybe next week I will start having a treatment again.  Trouble is once you get out of a habit you find it hard to get back into one.
Well guess I had better make a move, I could easily go back to bed but I am going to push on and see if I can get to work - even if its just an hour.

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