The Joys of Packing

I still can't shake this mood of doom or get off my backside and be active.  But today I did pack, early for me as I normally do it the night before.  I'm just afraid that after work tomorrow I will feel like just wanting to sit and stare at the computer screen.
I have pushed myself and finished correcting the first draft of the next book, that has also been downloaded to my kindle so I can read it on hols and mark any further errors.  At least my bad memory is good for something as I had forgotten the story and the ending, the last few chapters I was on the end of my seat wondering how it was going to come together!
Another worry about my memory is my book is advertised for pre-order on Amazon as a paperback, I can't remember doing that, nor can I get into an account to see how I did it or more importantly, who has pre-ordered it.  I am getting a little worried but hubby keeps brushing it off by saying I am over tired.
My leg also is getting worse, thinking I have a trapped nerve in there, I daren't let my imagine take hold, just in case.  Although last night I made myself sleep on my back and didn't place a pillow in between my knees.  I got into this habit when I was so thin that my bony knees rested on each other.  At least my bloods came back ok but I am having a few little ripples of pain in the third boob and right back, I have to hope that my short cycle of alimta works for longer than the last time, 4 months stability isn't long enough for any of us.
I actually got out with the dogs in the fields yesterday, the sun shone and the breeze was warm, I couldn't believe it, nor could the dogs both stayed by my side the whole time.  I left hubby with his camera and went for a walk in the woods, spying a couple of deer I tried to keep the dogs quiet but Lexi started singing, (yes she sings) and they heard so I watched them spring away in the distance.  It was good though, we were out about 90 minutes and it filled me with a I need sun and today was just a taste. 
I hope the weather will be nice when we arrive on Tuesday and no storms at sea, on Friday I caught up with an old friend.  She owns a spa called Broom Mill Spa about 10 minutes away but I haven't made the effort to go for nearly 3 years.  I was greeted like VIP when I arrived, it was great catching up, the children have grown so much I didn't recognise them as they came to give me a hug.  Both daughters are truly beautiful young ladies.  I got my finger nails and toe nails done as well as waxing those eye brows.  We are both to blame for the absence in seeing each other, she has been busy keeping the Spa busy in this economic down turn together with running around after the children etc, although we both keep meaning to get in touch something called life can get in the way.  I have promised once I get back I will at least see her once a month.  Mind saying that I said that to my two best friends, So far this year I can count on one hand the amount of times we have been together.
Hubby told me today he has managed to lose half a stone, I have managed to lose a lb, still I have packed a couple of pair of tight summer trousers, you never know I may still lose a few more so I can wear them!  I hope he can carry on losing it would do him the world of good, like me it is all on his belly!  I should have had it written into our marriage vows, and no fat stomachs!
One last word, I hope Mavis gets a good result tomorrow, I know she is worried, as we do, we can only hope her stable inactive continues, and if you are receiving results yourselves, I hope you get the same.

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